Dr. Abhijit Sarkar medicine is 90% care and compassion, and the rest 10% medical science. The cost of modern medicine need not mean, will forget to provide his healing and helping hand to his patients. Specially when all his patients are the little angels and their very anxious parents. He strongly believes in the modern 'Evidence Based Medicine' and strives to avoid irrationality. He loves to train and teach his juniors and nursing staff. He regularly attends seminars and CMEs (Continuous Medical Educations). He regularly lectures and makes presentations in peer group meetings and conferences. He enjoys being a doctor, specially being able to work with children.
Condition Treated
Development Assessment
New Born Care
Vaccination/ Immunization
Viral Fever
Newborn Jaundice
Procedures Performed
Assisted Ventilation of the Newborn
Intubation and Tracheal Suctioning for Meconium Aspiration
Neonatal Resuscitation
Pediatric Sedation
Phototherapy for Jaundice
Education and Training
Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH, London, Glasgow or Edinburgh) - Royal College Of Paediatrics, Uk, 1999 Diploma in Child Health (DCH) - University Of Calcuta, India, 1997
MBBS - Bankura Sammilani Medical College & Hospital, 1992
Clinic Visit Time
29 years
Dr. Abhijit Sarkar medicine is 90% care and compassion, and the rest 10% medical science. The cost of modern medicine need not mean, will forget to provide his healing and helping hand to his patients. Specially when all his patients are the little angels and their very anxious parents. He strongly believes in the modern 'Evidence Based Medicine' and strives to avoid irrationality. He loves to train and teach his juniors and nursing staff. He regularly attends seminars and CMEs (Continuous Medical Educations). He regularly lectures and makes presentations in peer group meetings and conferences. He enjoys being a doctor, specially being able to work with children.
Conditioned Treated
Development Assessment
New Born Care
Vaccination/ Immunization
Viral Fever
Newborn Jaundice
Procedures Performed
Assisted Ventilation of the Newborn
Intubation and Tracheal Suctioning for Meconium Aspiration
Neonatal Resuscitation
Pediatric Sedation
Phototherapy for Jaundice
Education and Training
Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH, London, Glasgow or Edinburgh) - Royal College Of Paediatrics, Uk, 1999 Diploma in Child Health (DCH) - University Of Calcuta, India, 1997
MBBS - Bankura Sammilani Medical College & Hospital, 1992